Werz Maschinenbau GmbH Entwicklung und Vertrieb

Werz Maschinenbau GmbH Entwicklung und Vertrieb

Business Description:

Machinery Designing and Processing, Electric Shavers, Single-purpose machines

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Werz Maschinenbau GmbH Entwicklung und Vertrieb




Company Head Office:

Werz Maschinenbau GmbH Entwicklung und Vertrieb
Bergstr. 28
St Johann
728 13

Hand sliding-vane pumps

The hand sliding-vane pumps are used to pump volatile liquids ( petrol, benzole, alcohol, oil, and kerosene ) or other liquid fuels ( tar, oils, cold/hot water, etc. ). The hand sliding-vane pumps are suitable as evacuation pumps as well.

Habitable containers

Our habitable containers can be supplied in a standard version but also in compliance with special requirements according to European standards enabling use as banks, schools, administration buildings, kitchens, gatehouses, hospitals, fast-food stalls.

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GermanyTrade > Hardware and Machinery > Machinery Designing and Processing > Werz Maschinenbau GmbH Entwicklung und Vertrieb